How to reach the CASA PER FERIE S. MARIA ASSUNTA (vacation house S. Maria Assunta)
Piazza Roma, 23
53035 Monteriggioni (SIENA)
You can drive along the A1 motorway and exit in Florence Certosa; after the toll gate, you have to turn right and then turn into the highway Florence-Siena in the direction of Siena.
The next exit is in Monteriggioni. At the stop sign, you have to turn right and go straight along the state road Cassia for 1 km; the castle of Monteriggioni is up there on the left.
The vacation home is in the square ‘Piazza Roma’ on the left side of the church Santa Maria Assunta.
Guests are allowed to enter in the square by their car and then in the courtyard of the house for loading and unloading their luggage.